While golden milk has become a trendy beverage of choice, this comforting, herb-filled blend is actually ancient. For thousands of years, golden milk has been an Ayurvedic ritual, with Indian families enjoying a warm nightly cupful before bed.
In Ayurvedic medicine, turmeric, the main component in golden milk, is thought to impart the energy of the sun to the body, hence its radiant, golden color. Turmeric’s documented healing properties impart substance to this traditional elixir and have given golden milk a reputation as a healing cup of comfort.
In addition to improving physical and mental well-being, regularly drinking golden milk has the potential to lessen the chance of becoming ill in the first place. It’s also an anti-inflammatory that supports healthy digestion and promotes calm.
This turmeric-dominant blend includes ginger root and black pepper to aid digestion; ashwagandha to tonify, energize and calm; and cardamom, nutmeg and vanilla bean, all meant to encourage rejuvenation and peace. Prepared by mixing with a warm cup of milk, the smooth, slightly sweet, pungent brew is a soothing treat just before bed. Many people also enjoy it prepared cold.