Another Memory Cafe for Alzheimer’s socializing

Just as September heralds the start of the new school year, the latest Memory Cafe in Pierce County will open this month.

HomeWell Senior Care, in partnership with Lutheran Community Services Northwest (LCSNW), is launching the first Memory Cafe to Puyallup. It will be held at Mrs. Turner’s Restaurant at 701 E. Main St. on Sept. 20 from 2:30 to 4 p.m., and then meet monthly on the third Wednesday of each month.

Folks with memory loss at any stage, along with their care partners, friends and family, can attend for conversation, entertainment and a light meal with others in the same situation.

Memory Cafes provide those with dementia and their care partners a safe and supportive environment in which to socialize “without feeling the stigma that our society often assigns to this devastating disease,” said Linda McCone, who helps coordinate the activities for LCSNW’s Caregiver Services program.

The cafes, sometimes called Alzheimer’s cafes, began in Europe 20 years ago and have become an integral part of dementia-friendly communities, providing understanding for those with cognitive decline, along with support for care partners, McCone said. She noted cafes in Tacoma and Gig Harbor and throughout King County have helped families feel normal by sharing meals, experiences, jokes and songs.

HomeWell Senior Care of South King County is an in-home care provider that assists seniors in maintaining their quality of life and living within their own homes.

LCSNW is a social services agency partnering with individuals, families and communities. Programs at its South Puget Sound office in Tacoma that are specifically for caregivers and those with memory loss include Home Care respite services, Support U: Fostering Caregiver Wellness (classes on caregiving), the Early Stage Memory Loss Zoo Walk (in partnership with the Alzheimer’s Association), Senior Friends and Senior Companions.

Additional information is available from McCone at 253-722-5681 and, and from Deb Dennison of HomeWell Senior Care at 253-333-1906 and