In an effort to keep waters in the Puget Sound area running clean, McLendon Hardware is spreading the word about rain gardens and water retention.
Bruce Stevens, a spokesman for McLendon, said the company is very environmentally conscious and their stores make sure they carry products to help in this effort.
“McLendon is behind anything that can be beneficial to the ecology and environment,” he said.
McLendon runs workshops to help homeowners stay up to date on ways to make sure their homes are working with the environment, as well.
On a Saturday morning in April, Joe Freeman, sales associate in the garden and nursery department in McLendon’s Tacoma store, ran a free workshop on rain gardens.
There is no doubt about the fact that Freeman knows his stuff when it comes to rain gardens. Passionate about his job at McLendon Hardware, he dispensed good, solid and sometimes humorous advice on the construction and maintenance of rain gardens. His advice included, “Don’t let this be an intimidating project.”
That approach works well with local-government advocacy of rain gardens. For instance, the city of Tacoma has a residential rain garden rebate program. (See additional story).
Saying that rain gardens can be as complicated as homeowners want them to be, Freeman added that he prefers to keep things simple.
When asked why homeowners should install a rain garden, Freeman said simply, “We apply fertilizer and weed control to our grass, and where is all that stuff going? A rain garden is a water containment system that channels water and lets nature filter it – and I think they look cool.”
His instructions were clear and straightforward.
First off, determine the best spot for the rain garden by figuring how where the water flows.
“Turn on your hose,” he said, “and let it run and watch where the water goes.” He suggested that after finding just the right spot, homeowners use a garden hose to lay out the area, or spray the shape with spray chalk paint.
Freeman also advised to check for anything that might be underground before beginning any digging of the area.
Plan and measure, draw out the size and depth, consider sun exposure, and get started, he advised.
“This can be a weekend project if you have enough friends to help, but don’t give up. Dig and create it during the summer and plant in September,” said Freeman, adding that determining the drainage of the area using a soil drainage test kit is always a good idea.
Then start digging.
“Lure people in with beer, cookies and chips,” he joked as he passed out a handout that gave details of how to build a rain garden and the appropriate plants for the area.
Sharon Jordan went to the workshop to learn about water drainage issues.
“I hope to learn what to do about the water. I come to a lot of the workshops and always learn something new,” she said.
Steve and Diane Barrett drove up from Lacey for the. “We just put a patio in the back yard and hope to retain some of the water and reuse it,” said Steve.
After Freeman’s presentation, which included a question-and-answer period, Ron Linck, another McLendon employee, demonstrated several water containment systems and explained the advantages of each of them.
“This area smashed the record for rain in March. Some folks want to contain that water and some just want to get rid of it,” Linck said as moved through his presentation.
Both of the demonstrations were full of valuable information, and Freeman stayed afterward to answer more questions from homeowners.
“Rain gardens are pretty, a nice addition to the landscape, and yet serve a really important purpose” in the Puget Sound area “to protect our watershed,” he said.

Joan Cronk, who wrote this article, is a freelance writer.



May is Puget Sound Starts Here Month, and Tacoma’s Environmental Services Department again is taking a leading role in the annual observance that encourages public awareness of protecting the Sound and its surrounding waters by limiting pollution from stormwater and runoff from streets, yards and driveways.
Officials note that everyday actions impact the environment in ways that can affect the quality of life for the public and its surrounding habitats. A healthy Puget Sound is critical to the natural environment and the economy. Tourism, working waterfronts, fishing and shellfish industries, and other commercial activity depend heavily on a healthy Puget Sound.
Citizens can do their part to keep pollutants out of streams, rivers and the Sound by washing cars at a commercial car wash that’s equipped to capture dirty water, find and fix oil and other fluid leaks in their cars, and practice natural yard care, among other environmentally proactive steps.
“It’s not just about the pipe coming out of the factory any more,” said Marc Daily, deputy director of Puget Sound Partnership, during last year’s Puget Sound Starts Here Month. “Today, stormwater runoff is the single largest contributor to our water quality problems. That pollution comes from our cars and how we wash them, from the chemicals we put on our lawns, and from not picking up after our pets. When it rains, bacteria and toxic chemicals from these and other sources end up in our local waterways. That’s a problem.”
The city’s Environmental Services Department and the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department partnered to support workshops at Tacoma Nature Center that help kick off this year’s Puget Sound Starts Here Month.
At “Landscape Design Made Easy” on April 28, attendees will learn about plants, soil and water conditions from Bonne Holbrook, a Pierce County Master Gardener and Native Plant Steward. On May 2, “Right Plant for the Right Place” will provide landscape tips from Dana Kelley Bressette, who has her own environmental gardening website and has put her urban horticulture education to use at the Point Defiance Greenhouses and the W.W. Seymour Botanical Conservatory. Both workshops run from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. The cost is $5 per person, and advance registration is requested at 253-591-6439 or
Also giving a boost to clean-water thinking is the city of Tacoma’s Office of Environmental Policy and Sustainability, which has launched the Green Living Guide, an online, interactive mapping tool to help Tacoma residents live more sustainable lifestyles. It spans such topics as rain gardens, other green infrastructure, and environmental education resources.
Natural yard care is a win-win opportunity, especially for homeowners. They get a less expensive, lower-maintenance and safer yard. They also get the satisfaction of knowing that their yard is less harmful to aquatic life and provides needed habitat for native wildlife.
Surface Water Management, part of Environmental Services, is steward of the city’s 500-plus miles of public stormwater pipe, 22,000 storm drains, four pump stations and numerous stormwater ponds, swales, rain gardens and treatment vaults. Surface Water programs concentrate on preventing pollution before it reaches waterways and restoring sites affected by industry and urbanization.
Millions of pounds of toxic pollutants enter waterways every year as a result of rain washing over yard chemicals, oil, soaps, pet waste and other toxins that enter the storm drains, streams and ultimately Puget Sound. The city of Tacoma has invested millions of dollars in pollution prevention and restoration activities like the cleanup of the Thea Foss and Wheeler-Osgood waterways, annual stormline cleaning, business and construction inspections, and tracing pollution sources. But officials note that the city also needs the help of everyone to help keep Puget Sound healthy.


(These stories are part of a series of reports on stormwater control and management through a Make a Splash grant from the City of Tacoma.)

Joe Freeman and Ron Linck of the McLendon Hardware store in Tacoma addressed customers at a recent workshop on rain gardens and water retention for homeowners. (Joan Cronk/Senior Scene)
Joe Freeman and Ron Linck of the McLendon Hardware store in Tacoma addressed customers at a recent workshop on rain gardens and water retention for homeowners. (Joan Cronk/Senior Scene)

Support for caregivers who are attending to the daily needs of another person is the focus of the Pierce County Summit on Caregiving for Faith Communities May 8 and 10 in Tacoma.

Pastors and other faith leaders who may work with family caregivers and seniors are being invited to the event hosted by Lutheran Community Services Northwest (LCSNW) and Pierce County Community Connections.

On May 8, the summit will be held from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church, 12115 S. Park Ave. It’s also slated for May 10, also from 9 to 12, at Skyline Presbyterian Church, 6301 Westgate Blvd.

Questions and RSVPs can be directed to Pat Witt at LCSNW at 253-722-5691 and


This winter, the Washington state legislature convened for their annual session in Olympia and for the first time in several years, adjourned on time. The 60-day session was short in length and also short on achievement.
Legislators postponed tough decisions on tax policy and education funding. They could not agree on a transportation revenue package or a capitol budget. And they made only modest adjustments to the biennial budget agreed to last session.
While few major policy bills passed, legislators did take time to consider how to prepare our state for the age wave on the horizon. They are absorbing the demographic reality that by 2020, one of five Washingtonians will be 65+. And they are realizing that this has big implications for our society and state government.
The State House passed two bills on this front, including a bill sponsored by Representative Steve Tharinger (D-Sequim) to study alternative long term care financing options and a bill by Representative Larry Springer (D-Kirkland) and Senator Mark Mullet (D-Issaquah) to make it easier for people to save for retirement. Both bills received bi-partisan support in the House but stalled in the Senate.
Failing to act in these areas will cause budget challenges for legislators in the future. An estimated one million Washingtonians are working but not saving for retirement. If they retire without necessary resources, the state will be forced to pick up the tab with increased costs for social services like Meals on Wheels and housing assistance.
Likewise, if we do not help people protect themselves from the catastrophic cost of long term care, more and more will turn to our state Medicaid program for assistance. Medicaid is already consuming a large and growing slice of the state budget. It’s in everyone interests, including state budget writers, to find better long term care financing solutions.
In other areas of concern to seniors, legislators were able to agree:
They passed a bill to develop an Alzheimer’s State Plan, sponsored by Senator Karen Keiser (D-Des Moines).
They passed the Pension Poachers Prevention Act to stop scams on veterans, at the request of Attorney General Bob Ferguson and sponsored by Senator Andy Hill (R-Redmond) and Representative Kevin Parker (R-Spokane).
And they passed a bill to improve our health care system and create more transparency around health care cost and quality, requested by Governor Inslee and sponsored by Representative Eileen Cody (D-West Seattle).
Finally, legislators agreed to a budget that makes small but meaningful new investments in the Long Term Care Ombudsman program and the Office of Public Guardianship, programs that are the guard at the gate for some of our state’s most vulnerable elders.
Increasingly, Governor Jay Inslee and state legislators from both parties are aware that action is needed now to prepare for the age wave. They want people to be successful in preparing for retirement and stay healthy, engaged and mobile as they age. But competing priorities and political disagreements sometimes make for slow progress. It’s our job to ask them to put their differences aside and embrace win-win solutions for all generations.


Ingrid McDonald, who wrote this article, is AARP’s Washington advocacy director.


Pierce County Aging and Disability Resources will host free showings of two films that explore the dynamic of families coping with caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s.
“Iris: A Memoir of Iris Murdoch” tells the true store of Iris Murdoch. After decades of marriage, she begins experiencing forgetfulness and dementia, while her husband struggles with his own hopelessness and frustration to become her caretaker. The movie, which stars Kate Winslet, Judy Dench and Jim Broadbent. will be shown May 12 at 6:15 p.m. at Grand Cinema, located 606 S. Fawcett in Tacoma.
Grand Cinema also is where “A Song for Martin” will be screened May 19 at 6:15 p.m. The film focuses on Martin, a conductor and composer, and Barbara, a concert violinist. They meet in middle-age and marry, but soon after find out that Martin as Alzheimer’s.
“A Song for Martin” is a Swedish film with English subtitles.
Before and after the films, local service providers will be available to answer questions about the resources available to families in the area. RSVPs are requested by calling (253) 798-8787.
Alzheimer’s is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States and is the only cause of death among the top 10 that can’t be prevented.
“These films are two of the most notable productions that focus on Alzheimer’s,” said Aaron Van Valkenburg, manager of Aging and Disability Resources.“Our goal is to provide hope and information that will enable people to better understand and appreciate all that goes into caring for people with this disease.”