Free assistance filing federal tax returns is available from non-profit groups. The help includes:
- Tax-Aide, offered through the AARP Foundation at public libraries, community centers and senior centers, and open to anyone, especially people 60 and older and anyone with low to moderate incomes. More information is at, org/taxaide,and 888-227-7669.
- VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) is also offered at locations such as public libraries, churches, and senior centers. Some locations have limits on taxpayers’ incomes. Information and appointments are available by dialing 2-1-1 or going online at
April 18 is the deadline for filing tax returns for 2022.
AARP Foundation’s Tax-Aide offers appointments with Internal Revenue Services-certified tax volunteers at 111 sites. In addition to in-person tax preparation, Tax-Aide is providing free assistance with filing returns online. The assistance includes free software. Information is available at
Tax-Aide is the nation’s largest all-volunteer tax preparation service, according to AARP Foundation. In 2021, 23,000 Washington residents were among 820,000-plus taxpayers nationally who used the service.