It’s getting hot; be careful

With four days of 90-plus degrees in the forecast, Puget Sound-area health authorities are urging heat-beating precautions for anyone who’s at higher-risk for health problems in the heat.

During the period of July 26-29, temperatures are expected to remain higher than normal overnight, which makes people more vulnerable to heat-related health problems. Serious problems can include kidney failure, stroke, and heart attacks. Heat exhaustion and heat stroke are also risks. In extreme cases, heat can kill.

During this heat wave and any others this summer. authorities say people who should take extra precautions by staying cool, drinking water, and taking breaks from the heat include adults 65 and older, young children, people with chronic health conditions or mental illness, outdoor athletes and workers, homeless people without shelter, and people taking medications for allergies and colds, thyroid, depression, heart/blood pressure, and weight loss.

Health officials offer the following heat-beating guidance:

  • Check on your neighbors, friends, and family in the area – particularly seniors and people with medical conditions.
  • Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water before you feel thirsty. Limit or avoid caffeine and alcohol, which can be dehydrating.
  • Keep your home cooler by shutting blinds or drawing curtains during the day. Open blinds at night to let hot air escape.
  • Use fans or air-conditioners. Put ice under a fan to circulate cooler air.
  • Spend time in air-conditioned places (such as indoor shopping malls, libraries, and other public buildings), and avoid direct exposure to the sun.
  • Limit outdoor activities to the cooler morning or evening hours.
  • Cool your body quickly by wearing a wet scarf, bandana, or shirt.
  • Never leave children or pets in a vehicle.

Sources: Tacoma-Pierce County and Seattle-King County health departments.