Meeting new challenges of grandparenting

HopeSparks and Pierce County Aging and Disability Resources are sponsoring “Grandparenting Today,” a free workshop scheduled for Sept. 16 that will focus on effective grandparenting.

The workshop will be held at two locations in Tacoma – the Pierce County Annex main meeting room at 2401 S. 35th St., from 12:10 to 12:50 p.m., and Tacoma Lutheran Retirement Community at 1301 N. Highlands Parkway, from 7 to 8 p.m.

The presenter will be Rosalyn Alber, coordinator of the Relatives Raising Children program at HopeSparks, a family services not-for-profit organization that’s based in Tacoma.

The event is open to the public. More information is available from Pierce County Aging and Disability Resource Center at (253) 798-4600.

 “Children need all kinds of support in their early lives,” said Aaron Van Valkenburg, manager of Aging and Disability Resources.  “Grandparents can play a crucial role. But the activities that captivate children these days make grandparenting a unique challenge.”

Workshop participants will learn about community resources that can help them with varylng levels of involvement in grandchildren’s lives, from full-time to weekends together or an occasional e-mail exchange.

Activities that interest modern-day grandchildren can be a unique challenge for grandparents, officials note. (Courtesy photo)
Activities that interest modern-day grandchildren can be a unique challenge for grandparents, officials note. (Courtesy photo)