Most think Alzheimer’s will be cured in their lifetimes

A new survey finds that most U.S. adults (54 percent) are worried that they may develop Alzheimer’s, and a majority believe a cure will be developed in their lifetimes (55 percent).

The survey, released by Banner Alzheimer’s Institute and pharmaceutical companies Novartis and Amgen, aims to raise awareness about how volunteers can take part in clinical studies to benefit Alzheimer’s research, the organizations said.

Alzheimer’s, the leading cause of dementia, affects 5.7 million Americans. The number is projected to increase to nearly 14 million by 2050..The survey, conducted online by Harris Poll among more than 1,000 U.S. adults, revealed that 89 percent believe the solution to tackling diseases lies in medical research and 77 percent are willing to participate.

However, many (67 percent) have no idea how to get involved in medical research.

“The results from this survey clearly demonstrate the need to raise awareness about clinical studies,” said Dr. Pierre N. Tariot, director of BAI and co-director of the Alzheimer’s Prevention Initiative. “Aside from funding, the greatest challenge in finding a way to treat, slow, or prevent Alzheimer’s is the recruitment and retention of study participants. Scientists are making great progress in our efforts to find a way to end Alzheimer’s, but an estimated 80 percent of studies fail to meet recruitment goals on time, which delays critically important research.”

Information about clinical trials is available from local patient-advocacy groups and online from the Alzheimer’s Prevention Registry at

In the U.S. more than 200 clinical studies are recruiting in Alzheimer’s. There is a need for more people to volunteer to advance scientific discovery, Tariot said.