Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department issued the following update on July 12 on the status of COVID-19 cases countywide:
Case rates in Pierce County have remained stable since the beginning of June. Hospitalization rates have been up and down, and are down again this week. (From May 25-June 21, COVID-19 hospitalization rates for unvaccinated people in Washington were three times higher than they were for vaccinated people, according to the state Department of Health).
Find your first dose or a booster dose at tpchd.org/vaxtothefuture.
On July 11, Pierce County’s current COVID-19 seven-day case rate per 100,000 residents was 228 for June 26-July 2, virtually unchanged from the previous seven-day period. The latest hospitalization rate per 100,000 residents was six, a 27 percent decrease from the previous seven-day period.
From July 3 to July 10, there were 1,452 confirmed new cases of COVID-19 and six deaths from the virus. The deceased, whose names weren’t released, were a man in his 70s from South Hill, a man in his 50s from South Hill. a man in his 80s from Puyallup. a woman in her 70s from Tacoma, and a woman and a man, both in their 70s and from Parkland.
Pierce County’s total COVID-19 count since the start of the pandemic is 208,659 cases and 1,394 deaths. The largest percentage of cases (39 percent) are among adults 50 and older; the age groups of 35 to 49 and 20 to 34 each have had 23 percent of the total cases.
More statistics about cases is at tpchd.org/covid19cases. And information on how to get a first vaccination or a booster is at at tpchd.org/vaxtothefuture.