For two social-connections programs offered through Lutheran Community Services Northwest (LCSN), it’s all about people.
Senior Companion assigns volunteers to regularly visit isolated or disabled residents of Pierce and Kitsap counties. During visits, they can chat, play cards or share hobbies, among other activities. The companions also accompany their clients on short errands or doctor appointments.
Another, similar LCSN program, called Senior Friends, is for volunteers who will contact older, socially isolated adults by phone or video conferencing for social engagement and community connection via walks or shared hobbies. The volunteers must live in Pierce County and commit to a minimum of two hours per month for a year.
Additional information about Senior Companion is available at 253-722-5686 and, and information about Senior Friends is available at or 253-722-5682.
The programs are offered through the Tacoma office of LCSN, a non-profit human-services agency that’s in its 100th year. The agency also has offices and services in the Seattle area, eastern Washington, Oregon and Idaho.