When you think about a senior prom, your thoughts most likely go back to your high school senior prom or your kids’ proms. Your memories might include those of a special outfit, maybe a corsage or boutonniere, wonderful music, punch and refreshments, the crowning of a prom king and queen, and maybe even being with someone close at heart.
However, there is a very special Senior Prom hosted in Pierce County. This one is a very unique one because it’s for people age 55 and better. In fact, it’s become so popular it has outgrown its original Stadium High School venue and will be hosted at the McGavick Conference Center at Clover Park Technical College in Lakewood this year.
The sixth annual event “is the perfect occasion to get gussied up and dance to some of your favorite music,†said Christine Hall, senior director of marketing at Franke Tobey Jones Retirement Community and the person who conceptualized the Senior Prom that will be held May 30 from 6 to 9 p.m. for anyone 55 or better.
“We’ve enjoyed the last two Senior Proms immensely,†said Marlene Motola, a Pierce County resident. “Since we believe the more the merrier, 10 of our best friends joined us last year. It was so much fun.â€
Welcomed back this year is Route 66, a 16-piece big band that has wowed the crowd at the Senior Prom the last three years. The band plays sounds from the swing era and has been providing music in the Puget Sound area for more than 25 years. The repertoire consists of the classic and authentic big-band hits by such greats as Glenn Miller, Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole and Count Basie.
Dancing to the “amazing†tunes of Route 66 in a very specially decorated ballroom “is every woman’s dream of prom night,†said Motola. “Go. You won’t be disappointed.â€
A special addition to this year’s Senior Prom will be the opportunity to participate in two group dance lessons hosted by the Tacoma Arthur Murray School of Dance. One will be held May 16 at the Arthur Murray studio at 5849 Tacoma Mall Blvd. Because space is limited, reservations must be made at 253-474-2955.
“Also, on the night of the Senior Prom, we will give a group dance lesson during one of the band breaks. It’s going to be a lot of fun,†said T.J. Lacey, an Arthur Murray dance program counselor.
Hall said that because of “our generous sponsors,†including Franke Tobey Jones and Allwest Moving and Storage, the prom’s ticket price remains at $5 each. Tickets can be purchased at www.FrankeTobeyJones.com, in-person at Franke Tobey Jones or at the door the night of the dance.
“If you love to dance or just want to listen, the Senior Prom is a really fun time,†Hall said. “The McGavick Conference Center will be a wonderful, large venue. Nearly 300 people attended last year’s Senior Prom, and we hope to see as many this year really enjoying themselves.â€
Marcia and Kyle Crew, the couple on the poster promoting year’s Senior Prom, said they “had a great time†and it was “fun to dance or just watch†at last year’s dance.
If you would like to be a sponsor of this wonderful event, please contact Christine Hall at Franke Tobey Jones, 253-752-6621.