For individuals who are preparing to start or already receiving their Social Security benefits, current and future changes may impact their retirement plans. For some advance knowledge and tips that might save thousands of dollars, a free online workshop will be presented Nov. 4 by the Social Security Administration and Pierce County Aging and Disability Resources.
“Social Security Retirement 2021†is scheduled for 4 to 5:30 p.m. at Participation by phone is available at 253-215-8782 or 888-788-0099. The Webinar ID is 929 5577 6796. .
The presentation will be given by Kirk Larson, a Social Security representative. He said one of the best ways to understand benefits is by opening and using a mySocial Security online account at and having the information available during the workshop. Larson can help participants set up an account after the presentation.
The workshop will present ways to maximize benefits, including the rules about working–either full-time or part-time–while receiving benefits.
One in six Americans receives Social Security benefits, and about 40 percent of older Americans rely exclusively on Social Security for retirement income, according to the National Institute on Retirement .
Additional information on the workshop is available from Aging and Disability Resources, a program of county government, at 253-798-4600.