Still time for free tax-filing help

Did you know you have until Monday, April 18th to file your taxes this year? And that there is still time to have your 2015 income taxes done for free? The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program offers free tax help to people who generally make $54,000 or less, persons with disabilities, seniors, and limited English speaking taxpayers who need assistance in preparing their own tax returns. Here are a few locations:

  • Tacoma Housing Authority at Salishan, Saturdays 9 am-1 pm through April 9th, 1724 E 44th St, Tacoma.
  • Bethel Family Center, Fridays 10 am-1 pm through April 15th, 18020 B St E, Bldg. P, Spanaway.
  • Sound Outreach, Saturdays 9 am-3 pm through April 16th at locations in Tacoma (1101 MLK Jr. Way) and Graham, both by appointment (253-593-2111).
  • Rainbow Center, Mondays 9 am-1 pm through April 18th, 2215 Pacific Ave, Tacoma.

To learn more about these or other free tax sites, please call 2-1-1. Can’t visit an in-person site? File your taxes online for free by visiting (for households with income up to $62,000).