Time for candidates to take a stand on Social Security

It’s a promise that’s been kept for generations: You pay into Social Security, you get the benefits you earned.

But to keep that promise for future generations, Social Security needs to be updated for the 21st century. If our leaders don’t act, future retirees could lose up $10,000 a year. Every year our leaders wait and do nothing, finding a solution grows more difficult.

The only way to make progress is for our national leaders to make Social Security a priority and put serious proposals on the table. And it starts with presidential leadership. Anyone who thinks they’re ready to be president of the United States should be able to tell voters how they’ll keep Social Security strong.

That’s why AARP is pressing every candidate to “Take A Stand” and lay out their plan to update Social Security so it’s financially sound with adequate benefits. Throughout the election, we will urge the candidates to debate their proposals so you know how they will affect you, your kids and generations to come.

Every candidate who offers a plan will be highlighted on the Take a Stand website. 2016takeastand.org is a one-stop resource where voters can find out if a candidate has a plan, and read a real-time feed with their latest comments about Social Security.  Voters can also contact the candidates and urge them to show how they would lead by putting forward their plan to keep Social Security strong.

Throughout the 2016 election, our focus will remain on demanding every presidential candidate offer their plan to update Social Security.  We remain committed to our principles for keeping Social Security strong, but the greatest service we can provide to our members and all voters is facilitating a real national debate so the next president and Congress will make updating Social Security a priority.

Join us in calling on every presidential candidate to tell American voters what their plans are to keep Social Security strong. Visit  2016takeastand.org today. But don’t stop there. Share the website with your friends and family to get them involved, as well, and help us spread the word even farther. Also, be sure to keep this issue top of mind when considering congressional candidates this fall.

Together, we can get the candidates to give us real details about how they’ll lead when it comes to this vital program.


Cathy MacCaul, who wrote this article, is AARP’s advocacy director.