It is so nice to have beautiful weather and be able to get out and about. We had a wonderful trip to the Lilac Gardens down in Woodland and then lunch at the Oak Tree, which has been revamped and is now part casino.
The Dinner Date group drove to Olympia for dinner on the water at Tugboat Annie’s. It was another beautiful evening and we even toured the capitol grounds before returning home.
As I write this, we are getting ready for two fun trips. The first is to Harrison Hot Springs for a two-night stay, and the second is up to Orcas Island and an overnight at the Orcas Inn. You will hear about those next month.
A couple of new exotic trips have been added to the schedule for 2015. We now have Costa Rica in February for nine days and then Israel in October for 10 days. Reservations are being taken for anyone who might be interested.
In the meantime, we have a nice group developing for a quick little trip on Island Princess out of Vancouver to San Francisco departing Sept. 24, and don’t forget the Panama Canal in April 2015. It is very possible that the new canal will be open and we will be able to boast to everyone that we have been through it.
Many things come up at the last minute, so be sure to join the email list for up-to-the-minute information on what is happening. Now is not the time to be sitting home alone when you can be out doing things and making new friends. Singles are always welcome, and we do our best to try to make roommate arrangements if necessary.
A little P.S. to the Hawaii trip that you might find interesting: We always recommend trip cancellation insurance in case something happens before or during your trip that might make a change in arrangements. In our case, it did. One of our group fell and injured herself. We were pleased to learn that her cancellation policy took care of ambulance, doctors, x-ray, hospital stay and even provided an escort for her return trip home. The insurance company stayed in constant contact with me, the patient and her family. Please always ask about insurance when taking one of our longer trips. It certainly paid off here.
For further information and reservations, call me at 253-927-8207 or get on the e-mail list at