A glass of golden milk for health and digestion

While golden milk has become a trendy beverage of choice, this comforting, herb-filled blend is actually ancient. For thousands of years, golden milk has been an Ayurvedic ritual, with Indian families enjoying a warm nightly cupful before bed.

In Ayurvedic medicine, turmeric, the main component in golden milk, is thought to impart the energy of the sun to the body, hence its radiant, golden color. Turmeric’s documented healing properties impart substance to this traditional elixir and have given golden milk a reputation as a healing cup of comfort.

In addition to improving physical and mental well-being, regularly drinking golden milk has the potential to lessen the chance of becoming ill in the first place. It’s also an anti-inflammatory that supports healthy digestion and promotes calm.

This turmeric-dominant blend includes ginger root and black pepper to aid digestion; ashwagandha to tonify, energize and calm; and cardamom, nutmeg and vanilla bean, all meant to encourage rejuvenation and peace. Prepared by mixing with a warm cup of milk, the smooth, slightly sweet, pungent brew is a soothing treat just before bed. Many people also enjoy it prepared cold.

Golden milk’s herb-filled blend is said to boost physical and mental well-being.
Some of the best holiday cooking is the simplest

Holiday cooking and entertaining don’t have to be overly complex to impress. Here are quick, simple ways to elevate your meals for memorable experiences your friends and family will love.

Balanced seasoning.

Enhance the flavor profile of savory holiday dishes by swapping out salt and pepper and instead reaching for all-natural products such Livia’s Seasoning Salt (liviaseasoningsalt.com), a pre-blended seasoning of kosher salt, coarse-ground black pepper and garlic. For instance, it can add flair to appetizers by shaking it into the yolk mixture of deviled eggs, it can, it can season the outside of a turkey, and it can be added to stuffing and mashed potatoes.

Add pizzazz to desserts.

Give a standard dessert lineup a touch of elegance. Use fresh ginger in gingerbread cookies. Create your own crumbs for sprinkling on top of cakes. Garnish slices of pie with a mint or basil sprig or a cinnamon stick. Melt your favorite chocolate and drizzle it on anything.

Up your tablescape game.

A holiday feast is the perfect time to create a special atmosphere by breaking out your best dishes and utensils, as well as adding a few natural elements to the tablescape such as poinsettias, holly, evergreens and pine cones. Ditch the overhead lights and use candles or other warm lighting to create a soft, convivial glow.

The flavor of holiday turkey can be enhanced with seasoning options such as all-natural Livia’s Seasoning Salt.

Source: StatePoint Media

Eating natural can boost immune system

Your body’s immune system protects against illness and infection, fighting off threats before you even know there’s a problem. Even though your immune system usually does its job automatically, you can give it a boost with habits (inclu

During cold and flu season, elderberries in a cup of warm tea can be good for a person.

ding what you eat) that promote wellness and immunity. Such as:

Eat fruit and vegetables.

They contain flavonoids, phytochemicals that are a vital part of maintaining health. Flavonoids are found in colorful fruits and vegetables like cranberries and elderberries. When it comes to power foods, elderberries’ exceptional flavanol levels make them an immune-system powerhouse. Especially important during cold and flu season, elderberries can also be enjoyed in a cup of warm tea for instant comfort.

Rely on natural remedies.

Modern, stressful lifestyles and exposure to environmental pollutants can put immune systems under pressure. However, soothing rituals can actually support better health. One example is relaxing with a hot cup of tea. Natural and organic ingredients found in Buddha Teas provide numerous health benefits. Options like Mushroom Wellness, Divine Immunity, Elderberry Tea and Reishi Mushroom blends all contain immunity-boosting ingredients.

While they’re not an obvious ingredient, mushrooms have been incorporated into healing practices for thousands of years for their immune-boosting, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant-rich properties. There are several powerful medicinal mushrooms, but one standout is the reishi mushroom, known as the “mushroom of immortality” and “divine plant of longevity.” It’s known to promote healthy cell growth and healthy blood pressure, along with improving immune function.


Source: Family Features

A diet higher in fatty fish helped frequent migraine sufferers reduce their monthly number of headaches and intensity of pain compared to participants on a diet higher in vegetable-based fats and oils, according to a new study by esearchers from the National Institute on Aging (NIA) and other organizations.

Over a 16-week period, study participants n the fatty fish diet reported between 30 and 40 percent reductions in headache hours per day, severe headache hours per day, and overall headache days per month.

Migraines, a neurological disease, ranks among the most common causes of chronic pain, lost work time, and lowered quality of life. Eighteen percent of U.S. women suffer from them.

NIA, which leads the federal government’s effort to conduct and support research on aging and the health and well-being of older people, is part of the National Institutes of Health.